Camera Catches a Mudhens Meeting?

The cameraman appears to have interrupted some kind of meeting taking place before a Mudhens baseball game in Toledo.  The man with the papers appears to be laughing off the interjection, while the others are in various states of disquiet.  Attending was Roger Bresnahan, in uniform, who was both owner and manager of the Mudhens team.  With that kind of clout, Bresnahan could have made many an arrangement with bankers, business people, and with wagerers.I just can't help but notice the furtive look on Bresnahan's face, as the tough looking gent to his left pats his coat pocket suspiciously.  The man with the papers stands in front of another crouching figure, to his right, who may or may not have been involved.It all makes me wonder why Bresnahan and the boys didn't seize the camera and its film right after this picture was taken.  The meeting would have no record, the photo would never have been seen, and I would never have written this caption.  And, if I want to be realistic about it, there was probably nothing happening there at all.What do think is going on?23. BRESNAHAN, ROGER TOLEDO


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