The Native American - Exploitation in Advertising


Advertising can be an exploitative endeavor. Advertising attempts to alter our minds, to exchange the past for the present and vice versa, and to offer fantasy as reality. Advertising uses words and symbols to both make us feel better about ourselves, and then make us buy the product. It does not matter if the written words are lies, or if the images presented have nothing to do with the product. It is all about reaction, and has nothing to do with reflection.North American Native peoples have undergone cultural degradation and suffering that their white conquerors did not and do not want even to notice. After stealing their land, after removing them to what were supposed to be worthless tracts, after attempting to decimate their culture and language, and after trying to break their spirit and erase their history, white society had to find a way to assuage the guilt attached to these genocidal military programs. For this purpose natives were presented in one of two ways, neither providing any cost to the collective self-esteem. The first way to use natives to sell a product would be to justify what has happened, presenting Indians as savages who must be tamed and brought under the control of civilization. The second way would glorify the Indian, the noble and brave red man, whose handsome dress, decorative accoutrements, and beautiful features could be admired by Euro-Americans from afar. The violence perpetrated might be forgotten or at least papered over if a lovely image of a Native graced a wall or a pantry shelf, and was seen in the house every day.Contact The Rucker Archive or call 303-494-6715 to learn more about or view the entire Edition.Price: $495/ea including shipping


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