Fishing Party from The Rucker Archive


These guys are going to have fun fishing.  And - they have everything they could possibly need for their expedition.  Showing it all off before the goods ever get used, this quartet may or may not have been experienced anglers.  Their eager faces betray a child-like quality, but their accoutrements are like a grownup's sporting goods catalog.  They have a rifle, cartridge belt, fishing rods, tackle boxes, knives, wading boots, straw hats, pipes, belts, kerchiefs, blankets, duffle bags, and waterproof bag.  What did they forget?No tent.  Looks like they were off for a day trip.No heavy coats.  Looks like the season was summer.No wives.  Off for the day.During this cold winter season, it makes me long for summer and join their party!


Choosing A Five Cent Novel from The Rucker Archive


"Casey at the Bat" On The Horn performing at The Rucker Archive