Giant Baseball Crowd in a Little Town


This giant baseball crowd in a little town, may be the finest small town ballgame in progress postcard I know. I measure all others by it. The crowd is enormous and encircles the playing field five to ten people deep. The spectators had to be parted for the players to access the dugouts. Car and carriage stand side by side. The lens snapped just as the pitcher is in his windup. It's a game going on in Iowa around 1910.Please share your comments below or share this blog with your friends on Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter.Looking for the perfect picture for your next project? This wild and wonderful vintage image and thousands more are available for license and reproduction at The Rucker Archive. For image consulting services contact Mark Rucker at or 303-494-6715 US or 250-767-0087 CAN.  


Andrew 'Stringbean' Williams


Ballgame in Trinidad Cuba