Hurdy-Gurdy Babe Ruth


Hurdy-gurdy man Babe Ruth stands boldly in profile in this 1922 pre-season New York Yankees photograph.  Half the team is wearing the white hats of the 1921 season, as they mill about a large musical machine, the presence of which is unexplained.  As he usually does, Ruth grabs the center of attention in the photo, without even trying to.  The visage of the Babe for some reason stands out in any crowd.  His broad expressive face is unmistakable, even when he doesn't face the camera.The Yanks had just come back to New York after their first World Series appearance the October before, where Ruth had blossomed into a slugging star as he carried the erstwhile Highlanders to the American League pennant.  I also see Wally Schang, Wally Pipp, and Bob Meusel in the picture.  Who do you see?


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