The Dust Bowl - Old and New?


A few years after the worst period of the United States dust bowl, a person named Schandel in Selden, Kansas sent this postcard over to Hays where T.M. Tilloson lived.  There was no message, only the image on the front of the card, an image of a large dust cloud about to engulf a house.  The memories of these storms were powerful enough for the real photo postcard to communicate without words.Are we about to see this again?  Agribusiness practices have led to the devastation the topsoils of the Mid-West by embracing every chemical fertilizer, pesticide or herbicide to come round the corner that might lead to greater yields and higher profits.  As a result, we have conditions that may produce large scale dust storms again if the high temperatures and droughts of the 1930s are repeated.  We are not there yet, but according to meteorologists, not far away.  One or two more drought years on the great plains and the process may begin again.The stories from the '30s were horrific.  People suffered. Some people hunkered down and many of them fled.I always wonder when I look at this photo - is there anyone in that house today?


SWITCH - Mickey Mantle Bats Both Ways

