A Simple Baseball Tintype of Fremont Base Ball Club circa 1870s


A simple baseball tintype of nine players lined up in an Iowa field, but so nicely composed, and taken outdoors, too.  So many tintypes were made in the studio that one comes to expect it.  Outdoor photographs always have more punch, as well as more information within them.  Take this tintype, for example.  This image comes in with no faces or provenance attached to it.  I first learned of the image when it resided in Brooklyn, which is decidedly not its point of origin.  The photo came from a 1860s-70s album from Iowa, and with that tidbit of information, I showed the image to a number of Iowa’s baseball historians.  It appears, based on the appearance of the background, that this baseball tintype image was taken in Fremont, Iowa, likely making this the starting nine of the Fremont Base Ball Club.


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