Speed Skating


I love photos of athletic events forgotten in time including speed skating.  Those games and the photos they generated can be as appealing and handsome as any from big-time sports extravaganzas.  In Crestwood Lake, New York, just north of New York City, a series of winter games was held, and the dramatic finish of a speed skating race has arrived just as the photographer snaps the picture.It's the Westchester County Ice Carnival, which occurred on January 30, 1926.  As Richard Corke crossed the finish line, the photographer created more interest by centering his interest on the arms in motion of the first two finishers, with the runner up giving it his all.  The foggy background adds further interest to the finish of the one-mile championship, but the key to the picture is the intensity of competition, which can take place anywhere.What is your favourite winter sport?  Believe it or not since relocating to Canada we have become mesmerized by curling.


Baseball player Marty Marion Flying In


A Simple Baseball Tintype of Fremont Base Ball Club circa 1870s