About The Rucker Archive Portfolios


The Portfolios featured below are the Archive’s newest publishing project, one that brings the art of the portfolio back to life using modern technology and the finest materials available.Each Portfolio contains twelve prints, 14”x11” in size, placed inside a specially designed box, so that the prints within may be either framed and displayed or remain as a collection in the box. Each edition is limited to 25 copies and is signed and numbered by its curator, Mark Rucker.  Every Portfolio also contains a prospectus, a booklet about the particular edition with information about each print, and a numbered list of the twelve prints.We invite you to tour the Portfolios below. Personalized Portfolios can be created expressly for you or by you.  Select from images currently on the site or contact Mark Rucker to assist you to curate your own Portfolio on a topic of personal interest from the hundreds of thousands of images in The Rucker Archive. If you are interested contact The Rucker Archive or call 303-494-6715 to view each entire Portfolio or to explore creating your own.


Getting That Poster Up On The Wall - Not the best job in the world!


Billy Carroll the Clown