Billy Carroll the Clown


Billy Carroll the clown was so obscure that he is not even listed on the Circus History biography page.  Clowns in general do not get lots of historical notice, but Carroll had a big show back in the late 19th Century, and his poster proves it.  Billy's clown act from 1893 was an unusual event and one of some expense and importance judging by this elaborate and colorful poster.  In the seven scenes shown Billy had some help in his performance from his unnamed brother.  Both in white face make up, the performance that these two clowns would put on was either a small traveling show, or one attached to a larger operation as in this case, with the gigantic Sells Brothers Shows.  It is unlikely that Carroll alone could have afforded to acquire posters for his show, unless his was one more in a series to promote the entire Sells shows.The poster was lithographed expertly by Strobridge Litho Company, famous for their circus posters. We have seen posters from Strobridge for every Barnum & Bailey show you could imagine, as well as for Forepaugh and Sells Brothers.  Each of the big circus companies put out posters featuring their clowns, some even with clowns predominating the poster image.  A number of circuses promoted their 'Army of Clowns,' depicting clowns in procession, with every imaginable make up job.  But this is the first poster promoting a clown act alone to come through the doors.


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