Diogenes Examining Harvester


Diogenes Examining HarvesterIn this Victorian advertising trade card the figure of Diogenes with his lantern, illuminates one of those fantastic green and red pieces of farm machinery being manufactured all over north america in the late 19th Century. The story goes that Diogenes set out every night in his city of Corinth in search of an honest man.  He did not find one, as far as we know, but he was persistent, as is the Diognese in search of agricultural equipment.It was said that Diogenes, the founder of the Cynic movement, did not believe an honest man to exist, despite his continuous search. Advertisers, on the other hand, do not feel these conflicts, and will use whatever will resonate with the public in order to make a sale.  Diogenes at least used to resonate.This image resonates with me this time of year as we get out the tractor to turn the compost heaps at the farm.  Thank goodness the farm is small enough that harvesters and binders are not required. Please share your comments below or share this blog with your friends on Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter.Looking for the perfect picture for your next project? This wild and wonderful vintage image and thousands more are available for license and reproduction at The Rucker Archive. For image consulting services contact Mark Rucker at Hello@TheRuckerArchive.com or 303-494-6715 US or 250-767-0087 CAN.


Galactic Gourds


The words and quotes of Yogi Berra