Grover Cleveland Alexander’s Charity


Grover Cleveland Alexander’s Charity WorkHere we have Hall of Fame pitcher Grover Cleveland ‘Pete’ Alexander, flanked by two flappers raising pre-game money in Sportsmans Park in St. Louis. They look so clean, alert and wholesome, holding their “Give For Health” donation cans, as they flank a ballplayer who looks like a walking hangover. Look deep into his eyes, and what do you see? To me, remembering Alexander did not often avoid inebriants, it looks like on the night before this 1927 shot was taken, he must have been busy at the bar.Please share your comments below or share this blog with your friends on Social Media or “like” this page on FB or Twitter.Looking for the perfect picture for your next project? Thousands of Baseball images are available for license and reproduction at The Rucker Archive. For image consulting services contact Mark Rucker at or 250-767-0087 CAN.


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