Baseball Photo Postcard Collages


These two design-work baseball photographic postcards are a couple of my favorites. I figure it took the photographer quite a bit of work to create these local products. The Fenner Brothers of Lima, Ohio and Rardin Photo of Jordan, Michigan had to  print all those individual photos, size them properly, construct a design platform onto which all the photos could be arranged,  then re-photograph the whole piece in order to make photo postcards of the montage. I wish more photographers had taken the time to exercise their imaginations.Small Town Team Jordan Minnesota Grays 1908Have you seen other photographic postcard collages like this?Please share your information or comments below and share this blog with your friends on Facebook. Looking for the perfect picture for your next project? This wild and wonderful vintage image and thousands more are available for license and reproduction at The Rucker Archive. For image consulting services contact Mark Rucker at or 303-494-6715 US or 250-767-0087 CAN.


Wait Hoyt & Wee Willie Sherdel-The Same Size?


Advertising Angels' Gifts of Tobacco