McLouglin Company Santa Clauses


McLouglin Company of New York City produced Santa Clauses in continuous and varied forms, almost all appealing to the reader, child or parent.  But once in a while the artist, or the colorist, will go a bit overboard, making St. Nick a little too intense.  This is a Santa that appeared in a compendium book, where it is the strongest piece of art in the volume.  But just look at the swelling red face - he looks like he might be having a heart attack.  Was this Santa Too much for a 'Night Before Christmas' book?  Looking closer he is actually progressing toward an explosion of excitement, a blast of joy, a giddy tidal wave of good cheer.McLoughlin was a prominent producer of children's books and games of all sorts.  They were an old and top quality printer with a record of chromolithographic products that few printers could rival.  But you got what you paid for - their cheap products poorly made, but their expensive pieces were eye-popping.  As a result, to find McLouglin's best we have to look for their high-end productions, and it was Christmastime when the company turned on the juice. Just like today, the Holidays were profitable.This explosive Santa is likable, but only in small doses, like once a year.


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